248-496-7375 | ctassociates@msn.com
For more than a century people have been enduring back injuries due to the cumbersome nature of moving oxygen and gas cylinders. The GasGrabâ„¢ is a simple, effective solution that provides a secure handle that can be utilized by an individual or team, to safely pick up and move gas cylinders.
Railroads, power plants, even the US military, and other organizations with comprehensive safety programs are using GasGrab to prevent injuries in their shops. GasGrab is a perfect fit for any business that supplies or uses compressed gas cylinders.
GasGrab is efficient, reliable, safe and easy to use - making it an essential piece of safety equipment for anyone handling gas cylinders.
The dual handle and scissor action clamps the rubber grip pads against the cylinder, making sure it can be handled safely and efficiently, ensuring Best Practices.
GasGrab ensures there is less pressure on the operator's back. It meets all health and safety requirements, reducing the chance of an insurance claim.
GasGrab is perfect for use across a broad range of industries such as welding services, plant maintenance, medical services, railways, shipbuilding and the armed forces.
Call 248-496-7375
to order your Gasgrab today!
or email us at ctassociates@msn.com
Did you know?
"LBP (Lower Back Pain) has additional indirect costs, such as lost productivity, cost of training new or replacement workers, uncompensated lost wages, etc., which can increase costs to double or triple the amount of the direct costs." [NRC 2001]
Crane/Forklift Sling
Sometimes gas cylinders are so heavy that lifting and carrying them by hand is too dangerous or just plain impractical. For these situations we offer a crane/forklift sling. Once your gas bottle is securely strapped into this sling it can be attached to a forklift or crane for easy transportation. Currently available in 9" (230mm) only.
Hanging Bracket
Every tool should have its place. To that end we created a hanging bracket that will fit all GasGrab models. It's a great way to keep your shop organized and your GasGrab in sight. Remember, a misplaced safety device can't prevent a back injury. Put it where you can see it.