248-496-7375 | ctassociates@msn.com
When welding in a tight space, having a fume arm that doesn't take up a lot of room can be the difference between effective extraction and sub-standard ventilation. AQC's MAXAIR fume extraction arm features external supports and articulation, making it incredibly easy to adjust. The steel tubes, which are available in stainless, are smooth inside without any obstacles that could reduce air flow. Each arm comes with a vacuum damper.
Whether your team is welding, gouging, cutting, or grinding, they will appreciate the MAXAIR's versatility, robust build, and spark resistance. The telescoping models are a favorite for teaching facilities and operations with low ceilings or confined spaces (such as cubicles).
Call 248-496-7375
to speak with an expert
or email us at ctassociates@msn.com
MAXAIR is a great fit for: