248-496-7375 | ctassociates@msn.com
MAXIBENCH worktables designed for source capture in welding, grinding, sanding, mixing or woodworking application provide the user’s environment a clean and safe zone from hazardous volatile dusts and fumes.
In compliance with clean air rules and regulations, the MAXIBENCH downdraft tables capture and filter harmful pollutants permitting clean air to be returned into shops and plants. This sophisticated method using self-cleaning spun bond polyester cartridges eliminates expensive cooling or heating costs compared to usual methods of having contaminants exhausted outside of the workplace.
Maintenance of the MAXIBENCH table is reduced to a minimum. Dust collector drawers are emptied occasionally and a pulse of air from the table-integrated tank cleans the cartridges. Workers spend more valuable time in production than in costly maintenance downtime.
Call 248-496-7375
to speak with an expert
or email us at ctassociates@msn.com